Information for owners

FREE information pages

Are you aware that there’s a wealth of information to be found on our website? Click on the ‘Pet Factsheets‘ page to find out more.

Please ask any of our friendly team for further information on any of these topics.


NEW! Practice Tour Tuesdays

We like to introduce you to the different areas of the practice:

“First up on our tour is our lovely reception area! We have a large, open plan reception with seating areas, notice boards and toys and treats for sale for your furry friends.”

“Moving through the practice now to another familiar room to many: our consulting rooms! We have two consulting rooms within the practice with a medicine dispensary in between them.”

“Moving through the practice we arrive at our prep room! This is where we prepare animals who are going to theatre and it’s also where we perform dental procedures.”

“Continuing to explore the practice, here is our theatre suite. We have one theatre suite within the practice, which is equipped to allow us to perform a number of operations from neutering to orthopaedics. “

“Moving through to our main kennel room now. this is where inpatients go before and after any procedures. We have a double storey bank of kennels on both walls, varying in sizes, and a large wall in kennel for any larger patients.”

“Moving into our “Cat Room” today! This is where we keep the cats (hence the name) or small furries, giving them their own space away from barking dogs. This is also the home of our ultrasound scanner and x-ray machine.”

“We’ve explored the inside of the building so finishing off outside now! The clinic has a ramp to the front door to allow for better access for everyone. We also have a standard and disabled parking space for clients. The practice is situated just off Townhead Street in Cumnock and is on the same site as the main council car park for the town. There is no charge for using this car park.

Hessilhead Wildlife Rescue

Dog Blood Donors

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